Dear Parent/Guardian: In a few short weeks, the 2024-2025 school year will be upon us. I am excited and eager to have students and staff back in the building. I will share a li...
The nation is bearing the brunt of a week of winter weather, but not every American student has managed to escape class.
Snow days, a nostalgic part of youth for many adults,...
At a work session preceding the Wednesday, Jan. 10 SCSD#3 School Board meeting, the SCSD#3 trustees met with representatives from Bennett, Weber and Hermstad, LLP, to discuss the ...
CLEARMONT — The Sheridan County School District 3 Board of Trustees set a date Wednesday for a community listening session on the future of Arvada Elementary School... Click here...
SHERIDAN — Three total board members resigned from Sheridan County School District 1 and Sheridan County School District 3 this year. Here’s what that means for the districts.
CLEARMONT — The Sheridan County School District 3 pushed the start of its 2024-2025 school year back by a week Wednesday and added a new homebound instruction policy.