Kinder Boost
Students who are four years old at the beginning of the school year are invited to participate in Kinder Boost. These students join the kindergartners for part of the day, three days a week, to help them grow as little learners.
1:20-1:45 Recess and Snack
1:45-2:25 Specials (P.E/Art/Music)
2:25-2:35 Phonemic Awareness
2:35-3:05 Letter Identification/Early Math Skills
3:05-3:45 Science/Social Studies Activity
3:45-4:00 End of the Day Routine
(Sign Language)

For children who are ages 0-4, preschool is offered one evening a week throughout the school year. This program is led by teachers of SCSD #3 with a focus on gross motor skills, pre-writing skills, early math concepts, and social skills. The school partners with the Child Development Center to offer screenings multiple times throughout the year.